Stop the muscle cramps!


Are you a heavy sweater? Do you often feel dehydrated? Are you constantly cramping when you work out? It’s often thought that potassium is responsible for those stubborn, painful cramps. But really the excess sodium lost through sweat can cause the electrolyte imbalance along with inadequate fluid and carbohydrates to effectively hydrate the cells.

Dehydration can be really serious especially in the summer time. Not only will it affect your sports performance, but it can also affect your well being. It can cause headaches, fatigue, dizziness, lack of focus, and suppressed appetite. Relying on your thirst mechanisms won’t solve this either. That is why it is important to be more conscious of the food and drinks you consume and stay on top of your fluid timing. The recommendations for proper hydration are explained in further depth below.

The general fluid needs for men are roughly 3.7 L (~122 fl oz or 7-8 standard water bottles) and for women 2.7 L daily (~89 fl oz or 5-6 standard water bottles). Don’t forget that what you eat matters too. About 25% of the daily fluid needs are met through food. However, to be sure you are properly hydrated especially when working out, follow these guidelines:


  • 4 hours prior, drink 5-7 ml/kg body weight (about 10-20 fl oz)

  • 2 hours prior, drink 3-5 ml/kg body weight (about 8-16 fl oz)

During exercise:

  • Drink to replace losses, not to exceed

  • (you can find your estimate by weighing yourself pre and post workout)


  • Fully replace fluid and electrolyte losses

  • For every pound of sweat loss, drink 24 fl oz over the next 2 hours

It is not enough to simply drink water, as excess water will only dilute the electrolyte balance. So, having salty snacks or drinking sports drinks can provide the main components needed for hydration: fluid, sodium, and carbohydrates. Snacks like pretzels, jerky, popcorn, nuts, and crackers are perfect to surround your workout with. Once you start getting those cramps, headaches, fatigue, and irritability in the heat, I am willing to bet these snacks and fluid recommendations will make you feel 10x better. Remember to also drink beyond your thirst cues on a regular basis, not just on a training day. It will be more effective in the long run!

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