So you caught COVID…now what?

The inevitable has happened to you too huh? I know it really sucks or maybe you are one of the lucky ones who have no symptoms at all. Good news is there are some remedies to help relieve some of those pains and get you on a good road to recovery!

Unfortunately, this was me during COVID and I was not that lucky. My room and desk were a complete mess! I got almost every symptom on the list:

  • Persistent fever

  • Horrible headaches

  • Chills

  • Joint pain

  • Nausea

  • Diarrhea

  • Chest pain

  • Congestion

  • Viral rash all over my torso

  • Light headedness

After almost a whole week, I was finally starting to feel better! Five days seemed a little too short for my recovery but these tips below definitely helped:

Evidence Based Recommendations


  • Berries (ie: blueberries/blackberries) - high in polyphenols which have antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties

  • Soups, teas, gatorade (or other sports drinks) - keep the body well hydrated especially when losing fluids through sweating/fever/diarrhea

  • High protein diet - helps retain lean muscle mass especially when more bed ridden and lower food intake

  • Salty snacks - the sodium can replenish the electrolytes lost when overly sweating and drinking excess fluids

  • Greek yogurt (and other high probiotic foods) - provide natural probiotics to keep the gut full of healthy bacteria when taking NSAIDs

  • Avoid fried or high fat foods - they are pro inflammatory which can prolong recovery time


  • Vitamin D3

  • Omega 3

  • Elderberry syrup

  • Echinacea with goldenseal

(These are found to help with immune function and boost recovery)

Anecdotal Advice:

  • Cold foods (ie: acai bowls, cucumbers, watermelon) - helped me with nausea and appetite

  • Cold drinks - helped relieve my headaches from fever and high temperatures

  • Have cold fluids and tylenol ready at bedside for mid night sweats/fever

  • Daily steaming showers and changing clothes - helped keep me refreshed each day

    • Make sure to hydrate before and after showers to avoid lightheadedness

  • Menthol creams - helped relieve tension in my head and neck

  • Allow extended sleep and naps when needed (even if that means all day) - your body needs rest

  • Avoid excess screen time for headache relief

  • Air out your isolated room when you can to let new fresh air in

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